Why I Wrote a Book About Aliens

I am a born-again Christian and have been convinced that we who trust in Christ will be taken to be with the Lord right before a cataclysmic event known as the Great Tribulation.

A few years ago, I read a book that suggested that Satan might pretend to be a benevolent alien from another planet and explain away the Rapture as a mass alien abduction.

It made sense to me and inspired me to write Abducted, which is a fictional story of people living in an underground bunker with aliens. My main characters, John Becker and Calista Evans, soon realize their fellow workers are being given a brain implant that turns them into automatons, incapable of independent thought and action.

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While I am no prophet, it makes sense to me that demons could pretend to be aliens in order to deceive others.

Chuck Missler’s book, Alien Encounters, argues that alien abductions are eerily similar to demonic attacks, and those who are “abducted” suffer horrific sexual assaults often leaving them with lasting emotional scars.

He argues that the messages these “aliens” give to their human contacts is conditioning mankind for a great deception.

Missler records a message from one “extraterrestrial”: “Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye (emphasis mine) to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people.”

It is my hope that my novels Abducted and Abductions will help to open the eyes of those who read it that alien abductions are nothing more than demonic encounters.